Commissioning A Model

Table of Contents

  1. Commissioning A Model
  2. VGen
  3. VTuber Market
  4. Fiverr

Commissioning A Model

If you choose to work with an artist, always read through the artists post and terms or service carefully to ensure you know what you are paying for. It is not the artist’s fault if you misunderstood the service they are providing!

Additionally, some model riggers offer character designing services so if you’re already looking to commission a model, don’t be afraid to reach out and see if you can work with someone end-to-end.


I would recommend taking a look on VGen for someone who would be able to work with you to create a character. The reason is that artists on VGen tend to have updated commission status and clear pricing. While a lot of these can be pricey (avg. $200+), you should be able to find a few in the list that are a bit more budget-friendly. Unfortunately, there is not sorting function for price so you will have to look for yourself.

VTuber Market

Another place you can look is the VTuber Market. However, from personal experience, I found that a number of posts that show “Open” for commissions end up being closed when reaching out to the original poster. Additionally, a lot of the posts only list Discord as a form of communication, which may be a turn-off for some.


If you’re on a really tight budget, you can check out Fiverr as well. While I’ve only had positive experiences using Fiverr, I know this is not the case for everyone. My advice would be to look for artists that have recent commissions and reviews and to stay away from things that seem too good to be true (like a full custom VTuber model for $100). Also be aware that Fiverr offers tiers, so read carefully and make sure the cheapest package has everything you are looking for, or else you may actually end up paying more than you would have with other artists.

You can follow Zekoz’s journey to commissioning a VTuber model on a budget in the video below.